A Little Known Fact

A little known fact about me is that there are times that I talk up a storm about anything and everything. But after my gabfest has subsided I’m very quiet. Nothing is wrong, I’m not upset about anything and I haven’t decided that I’ll never talk-or write-again. I just feel like being quiet. Travis knows this, although my quiet moods usually cause him to ask a thousand times if I’m okay. And my parents probably know but I thought I’d let you in on my secret. You know, in case you thought I dropped of the planet or something. I didn’t.

We finally sent Flat Stanley off last Friday. I had finished the album on Thursday and I wasn’t waiting another second to send him off. I contemplated showering, breakfast and school first but I knew they’d have to wait. I’m also fairly stubborn when I get an idea in my head. So I got two sleepy girls dressed and out the door…even though they were begging for breakfast. I let Halle grab a string cheese. Shower? Nah. I rarely go out of the house like that but I was on a mission. I grabbed a few post cards and a little prize type thing for the class and went to the Goin’ Postal shop that’s in the same plaza as the Walgreen’s that I stopped at. Why? Because I hate the Post Office (sorry, Dad). The clerks are not usually very friendly and the lines are usually long and it’s way farther away from my house and I just didn’t feel like going. I was very sad to find out that our little Goin’ Postal office is moving a couple of miles down the road in Westhaven. There’s no way I could ever go there without being primped and polished.

This is my little clearance photo album that I got for less than $5. Chloe picked the color and I think it goes nicely with Flat Stanley. Landon made him very colorful.

I slipped photos into the pockets and told Flat Stanley’s story from his perspective on colorful little sheets of card stock. I bought a stack of sheets that were 4 1/2 x 6 1/2, so I had to trim a little to get them to fit. But it was much better than having to cut up a bunch of 8 x 11 sheets that I already had. Another little known fact about me is that I can’t cut straight. Not kidding. I also can’t hang things straight. Even when I try really, really hard, I still can’t. So I gave up.

I tried to put things into the story that would make the kids giggle. Like, Flat Stanley was embarrassed that we took a picture of him in the bedding at Lulu’s. And that Daisy had welcomed him to Franklin by chewing on his foot (true story). I also told them they could see famous people here. I’m sure we’ll have second graders visiting Franklin in droves now.

Other than that, things around here are calm. I like calm. I was helping a friend paint yesterday and she asked how we were. And my answer was, “we’re fine.” Some of you know what a big deal that is. I talked for a while about being in a season of rest and how I’m just going to embrace it. I homeschool. But honestly, I think it’s feeding my soul much more than it’s taking anything out of me. I’m resisting the thought that I should do “more” and am content with doing our studies and hanging out with my kids. It’s not my personality, but for once I recognize that I’m finally getting what I prayed/hoped/wished for…rest and peace. I respect the homeschool moms that are doing lots of enrichment and field trips and such. But we’re not there right now and I expect us to do the same thing next year. I may be saying something completely different when I’m looking at 6th grade for Chloe. But for now, I’m enjoying what I’m doing and where I am.

8 thoughts on “A Little Known Fact

  1. Oh so glad I checked in. I hope you will use that stubbornness you claim to have on continuing to rest. It’s worth it. I’ve had two women at church approach me with this question: “How do you say ‘no’ to everything?” They were actually impressed with what I DON’T do. I love that. I’m going to be a trend setter in resting.

    Owen’s class read Flat Stanley this week, I was sort of hoping to get some sort of assignment with him since you made it look like so much fun. Nothing yet. 🙂

  2. Absolutely LOVE the album idea and all the colors look great:) Landon said the package came but he didn’t get to share with the class yet so after Spring Break sometime:) The time of rest sounds so refreshing. Enjoy! I know the girls are loving it:)

  3. Sweety, we did not know that about you. We were aware of the “gabfest”, but not the quiet. I like the gabby part. It’s like starting a ball rolling down the hill. It’s hard to stop, and almost as hard to direct. You say all kinds of cool stuff. We saw a young mother with a beautiful little blue eyed, blond haired girl at Publix today. She so reminded me of you at that age. Maybe she will also grow up to be a beautiful and godly mother. We can only hope. Love u

  4. Pingback: Content? « The Mrs. Adventures of Button Girl

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